An Overview Of Some Of Our Favorite Projects Through the Years!

For a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of industrial and maritime coatings – a subsidiary of Akzo Nobel

  1. Designed, developed and delivered 8 full days of training – 4 days in for training, back in the field for a month, a second four days of training.
  2.  This project had a total of 15 world class training and development professionals engaged in the program roll out.
  3. 300+ sales and sales management personnel with no more than 15 participants per class
  4. This program when rolled out had over 150 specific learning objectives
  5. All materials, handouts, presentation slides, role plays, training aids and the training itself translated and delivered in three different languages. English was delivered in Houston, Spanish in Mexico and our South America program was delivered in Portuguese in Brazil.
  6. The final day was a total skills test of what they had learned through the training delivered in the form of a “sales game”. Much like a murder mystery we trained a team of “role players” to acts as different decision makers they regularly sold to. Positioned about the training facility in offices the training program participants would call on each with a specific set of objectives that tested their comprehension of the strategies, tactics and skills they had been taught. Each team, as well as the individuals, were scored on how well they did in each challenge room and were provided, along with their managers, a score sheet identifying areas of strength as well as opportunities for growth. We videoed every call and sent out copies to the participants, and their managers, for review after the event.

For one of the “Big Four” accounting firms …

  1. Designed, developed and delivered 4 days of the original “Business Development 101″ course for every client facing professional in 3 divisions of the firm.
  2. Designed and developed all materials, training aids, handouts, role plays and training slides for this program.
  3. This project had a total of 20+ world class training and development professionals engaged in the program roll out.
  4. Total number of days in training delivered were over 1,700.
  5. As a part of the program roll out we bench marked, assessed and did a comparative analysis of the behaviors, workplace motivators and core skills/competencies of 900+ senior level professionals. We presented our findings and debriefed the individual results at an annual firm wide leadership symposium.

For one of the world’s largest construction firms …

  1. Designed, developed and delivered 3 days of a “Relationship Selling” course for all sales and sales management personnel
  2. Designed and developed all materials, training aids, handouts, role plays and training slides for this program.
  3. This project had a total of 4 world class training and development professionals engaged in the program roll out.
  4. This program was delivered to participant groups all over the US, in Canada, Mexico, Europe and in the Middle East.
  5. As a part of the program roll out we bench marked, assessed and did a comparative analysis of the behaviors, workplace motivators and core skills/competencies of each participant.
  6. This course had over 100 individual learning objectives identified.

For one of the automotive industries largest and most respected dealership groups …

  1. Designed, developed and delivered 2 days every month of their signature “Customer Service” training program for over 10 years.
  2. Designed and developed all materials, training aids, handouts, role plays and training slides for this program.
  3. This project had a total of 2 world class training and development professionals engaged in the program roll out.
  4. This program was mandatory for every employee hired into the organization.
  5. This program directly accounted for the company consistently winning national awards for the industry’s measure of CSI or Customer Service Index.

We’ve done a lot more but expect by now we have made our point. The names and references for all of the above can be provided upon request for clients serious about doing even a single day of training.

“Real World People … World Class Results”

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