One of the questions I regularly get from participants in our training programs, during our webinars or on our blog is “what sales books do you recommend we read”? So, here are the current 10 books I like and that have brought value to me in my business.
You will see 2 primary themes running through these books that are my current favorites. Theme #1 is around how do you run a successful business. I am placing these on the list because I think it is critical that we look at our sales territory as a small, entrepreneurial enterprise. The best sales people I know do not look or act like “employees” they act like businessmen and women. So, that is why you will see books on this list from that genre.
Theme #2 you will see on this list focuses on how can we set our selves apart from our competitors. Or, as Scott McKain says in his book, how do we create “distinction” in how we go about what we do. In the competitive world of sales it is critical that we realize each of us has a brand associated with our names. These books will help with making certain that brand stands out in a positive way.
Each book has a bit of a blurb from its posting on Amazon, my own personal take on the book and links for you to grab the book from Amazon or from Audible. Enjoy the books and let us know what you think!
Click Here to download Jim’s Top 10 Books for Sales Pros
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Jim Jacobus, CSP